
Belle Mare Plage

Constance Belle Mare Plage Annual Golf Staff Event - Cat 2

Thursday 11th July
Constance Golf Legend, Tee - White
H'cap Allowance: Full Handicap

Constance Belle Mare Plage Annual Golf Staff Event - Cat 2

Thursday 11th July 2024, White Tees, Constance Golf Legend

View Statistics for this Competition

Results Points Switch to Gross Points
1stAman Jugun(15)  42
2ndChris Cap D'or(15)  40
3rdRathan Subrun(16)  36
4thAvishaye Baraye(16)  36
5thAshwanand Bhoodhoo(18)  35
6thPrakash Dussoye(12)  34
7thElvis Catherine(20)  34
8thKrishna Mathoorah(20)  33
9thVivek Jhugur (V)(20)  33
10thRandhir Jeetun (V)(16)  31
11thVed Prakash Ramkissoon (V)(20)  30
12thMario Darga(18)  30
13thRamsing Muhungoah (V)(20)  27
14thVeer Jeetun (V)(20)  27
15thSanjay Shibnarain (V)(20)  26
16thLutchmee Kumarsingh Ravi Mudon(13)  26
17thSudhir Ramleka(13)  24
18thNarad Jagadoo (V)(20)  23
19thVishwanaden Poinen (V)(20)  22
20thKaviraj Ramkissoon - V(20)  20
21stMridhul Roopnah (V)(20)  12
22ndSuraj Juggoo - V(20)  9

Competition in Progress

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Open To: Men
Current Entries: 22

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